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6rendahb Thursday, September 16, 2010
OI!! its the holidays!!! there is really nth to update~!!!!
Oh yeah btw~! HAPPY MALAYSIAN DAY!!!!
ok well if u were to ask me what have i been doing recently~
I've been watching cartoons!!! u know like snow white, sleeping beauty, thumbelina, heidi , leo the lion king of the jungle~ things like that!! and its nice!!! you all should go watch as well =D

As usual there was chemi tuition~ even tho its a public holiday T_T
I arrived at tuition with June at approx 4:05pm and Bird , Lau ah pek and UBBS (strontium/ graphite!) was already sitting there (dam they are early)~ mama bird came in around 4:35pm??
Anyways 1st part of the tuition was boring~ oh btw the guys say they saw a hybrid of lala and elain in tuition!

We were learning about allotropes which included graphite!!! yeah !! JJ!!
GRAPHITE!aka Joshua!!
>Soft greyish black, flaky solid! (well JJ is soft XD)
>extremely high melting point (it is hard to kek him)
>has electrical conductivity (no wonder he is so good in his stupid l.u.n.a)
>can be broken and easy peeled (he is a zombie)
~Dry lubricant (ok this sound weird)
~use to make "brushes" in electrical motors, dynamos, etc
~ Used as a moderator in nuclear reactors
~ formular 1 car brakes?!?!

Equation learned: Graphite + Clay =leads
Graphite = Joshua
Clay = Quah
# Joshua + Quah = L.U.N.A leads
Different L.U.N.A leads are made by mixing joshua with quah in different amounts before baking

*From mama bert : eh! Clay sounds like Quah!!!
LOLX!!! ok the end hahahax!!

*oh!! btw i fetched Joshua back to near his house and on the way we nearly hit a car and joshua nearly got hit by a bike!!! ok thts all!!! Hiao po signing off~!!!


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