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A Lesson on Epic Shots!

6rendahb Wednesday, September 8, 2010
OK, so today is one of those rare no-outings-even-though-it-is-a-holiday day, so, I truly have nothing to post about...maybe a song, hmm...but that may be next week..

So, I have a brilliant plan! (rare these days for me XP)

I will "share" my secret on Epic pictures!

Firstly , there are two kinds of epic pics...

1. The Epic Shot
 2 . The Epic Shock
Shocking Isnt it?
Now that that is all sorted out, lets go to lesson 1 !


For a perfect epic shock , camera placement is vital in capturing the picture perfectly.


Photographer was aiming away from target

Our hero stickman , while trying to target the fella in front of him, has aimed the camera at the poor audience instead
This is a classic example of "I wanna shoot front, but i TER-shot right"


Photographer was aiming away from the target WHILE pretending NOT to take pictures

Our hero stickman looks like he is talking to the target, when in fact he is ATTEMPTING to take shots of the target! unfortunately, he is again aiming wrongly
Classic "I-wasn't-taking-your-shot-but-I-TERaim'ed-wrong-way"

MISTAKE # 3/4/5

Photographer takes a discreet shot but has no aim

Mr. Stickman again trys to talk to the target while taking a pic. He aims correctly, but target is not perfectly in the pic
He now goes CLOSER to the target, but has aimed the camera too high
Now, readjusting the aim, he aimed too low. A tragic day for our hero, Mr. Stickman
So, it can be said that aim is VITAL. Ok, the AIM of epic shots is to get the epic pictures with presisione.(added "e" for effect)

Ok, so What ARE the proper techniques?

Method #1

The Direct Approach

Finally, Mr. Stickman has gotten a perfect shot! Notice that the epicness in the targets face was captured
For when a real precision aim is vital, look DIRECTLY into the camera AT the target, Not a good choice for proper epics, but it is the only way at times.

Method #2

Indirect Shot

Right, I'm just talking to you right no- OMG I GOT AN EPIC PICTURE OF YOU!
Perfect for when you are about to meet a person, at a distance of more than 2 metres away, especially good if you just gotten another shot through the cameras direct view , so you would be more accurate in your aim!

Method #3

The In-Yo-Face! Shot

So, how do you do *random chatter/* *AIM* *CAMERA CLICK* *OMG I TOOK AN EPIC SHOT OF YOU!*
Perfect when you are getting real comfortable with people. At a distance of 1 to 2 metres from the target. The camera is either slung or held losely at hip level.

Random Epic Shots Using the 3 Methods

And there you have it! Lesson 1 on How to take an epic shot!

Joshua JS a.k.a UBBS!


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