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A Monday Not too soon aday...

6rendahb Tuesday, August 31, 2010

yea dats rite !! your retarded monitor is here once again
at this time of da week to update the blog weeeeeee
Yea i know, paten dam tang rite =p

today on this very awesome day
I woke up exactly at 5.30 in the morning ready
to do my daily chores so dat i can speed of to sch
and get the day done with...little did i know

Den den den....

I found out too late, apparently
we were suppose to decorate BEFORE today
and well we havent even put a knut up so in short
WE ARE SCREWED....den den den

BUT NO!!!!
NOT TODAY FOLKS for the word screwed does not
belong in the dictionary of the students of 6RB =p
And thus we all decided to  by some MIRACLE put
everything up before the bell rings which was... hour later....den den den...

Working so hard together herrbert and nian qi
..but quah emo work alone TT

...Lam:* OI KANG LANG ar, work faster la chat chat chat!!!*

Joelle: * i think i am taller den u ar bert*
Bert: *smirks and laugh scarcasticly*
Emo after she found out out the truth
TAN : eh soo li look over there!!

erm bert ar what you staring at???

Seriously man what are u guys staring at??

Will you guys stop staring and answer me instead ar??

OI dont lidat la !!! what u staring at laaaaa

This guy definitely doesnt know what they are staring at as his staring at the WRONG direction =.=

AND thus, by the grace of good
with NO THANKS TO LAM we manage to finish 
it all on time...YEA!!!! look even the fellow clansmen are
celebrating :

Bert dance part 1: the initiation 
Bert dance part 2: the paten... 



even our classboard is smilling brightly upon us!! YEA =p

Soon li is so happy his actually POSING!! OMG!!

AWESOME RIGHT!!! 45 minits can do so much =p aiseh haha

The rest day came and go in a jiff of an eye
kalong, ramen, adrian and one more fella which i cant
remember who were absent today....
Kaloong and ramen are absent so frequent dis days
that pn.ruby thinks they are strategically ploting when
to skip sch and when to come just to avoid special stuff
....hmm thats actually kinda brilliant lol.....

*psst guys quickly decide!! are we gone play hooky on monday or wednesday!!*

As the day ended,
we all decided to head over for lunch 1st
while waiting for my herrbert and lam to register
for the schools annual merdeka day camping
....well after the wonderful meal where lam eat nasi
mama bert eat mee and nian qi and herrbert was on diet...
ok herrbert i understand why his on dieting but WHY NIAN QI??
she pratically bones...seriously

Shes pratically the size of this trees trunk ok!!

after that fantastic meal
we had an extra hour to well do nuts
so we all decided to go and berfoya foya at the park there
although we mostly played the equipment there
i was pretty sure i saw and aunty
who was just 5 minits away from her cell
ready to call the cops any time
*psst cops i think got ppl vandalisng the park!!*

here are some of the antics by them lol :

mamabert: *lalala*
Mamabert: Hiao Lam u staring at wad???
Lam: Look if u see close enough u can see a weird insect!!

*looking closer*
mamabert: WA I seeing something

WHOS DAT POKEMON!!! den den den
ITS A HERRBERT MON *bert bert bert bert*

herrbert tying to show of his muscle... i could have sworn when he did this, there was an aunty behind him with a phone ready to call the police and report bout vandalism anytime soon....

mamabert was so powerfull she destroyed the 3rd seat thats why only lam and bert emo there

well i guess dats all that happened today lol,
after that we went to pfs to registered and finally
hoped into my poor citra who although was clean from head
to toe 2 days ago, its already now in a state of
uncleanliness again TT

i just have to clean my car i guess lol
good night!!

-pictures taken courtesy of Joshua John-
-camera supplied courtesy of Nian QI-
ps:why la u go delete most of the swee swee eh pic ah Qi TT


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