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THE Duty Rooster and Meet Your Admin session =p

6rendahb Thursday, August 26, 2010
Yo my hommies wassuppp!!!!
Ok our official duty rooster to update the blog is up 
THUS please do your duty to beautify the blog OK haha
Fortis atique Fidellis !!!

Alittle Biodata about our Moderators and admins =p


The emoish,lazy,moodswing monitor of 6rb also known as ME!!! =p
Well IF u must ask, i am also known as TUGU NEGARA which goes with
Tua Pek Kong....tugu negara because i just stand in a corner INSTIGATING
nonsence...tua pek kong i dont remember d though =p


-Joshua John
Joshua John A.k.a Strontium, U.B.S (Unidentified Black Solid)
U.B.B.S (unidentidied Big Black Solid) and CK!!! which erm 
is not apropriate to be posted up its meaning lol.The best photographer
among all of us haha with skills second to none =p

-Ang Nian Qi
Mrs LAM!! oops terkeluar...sorry nian qi. WHAT i meant to say was
MRS BONES cos she is erm skinny as bones literally
infact, she is sooooooo skiny her bones are almost visible from the skin
=p just joking la ang ang.Dont kill me ok =p But as an overall she is well
the most decent girl you will ever meet haha and her IQ is not something
you wanna go around challenging.Wisemen once say, there are 3 types of
people, people who are born smart, people who arent smart but work like
crazy to be smart and finally people who are just trash...SHE is a person
who works her ass off and being modest she would easily shrug it off and
is humble enough to ask when help is needed so you go gal =p

This is MR...or should i say MRS LAM THE NO1 JOKE OF 6RB!!! The reason why
he is the joke of the class because JOKERS use him as a JOKE to make people laugh
haha.But honestly that can only happen because he is also the MOST SPORTING
guy in our class, i mean among all the guys LAM is probably the ONE you want
to be with all the time because there is always something to laugh about when
your around him haha.Not surprising that he also has the record of MOST EX
among the guys as well with a stagering number of 9!! a feat not easily acomplish
by averages joes as us haha.

-Adrian Lau
This is APEK lau, probably one of the most china apek fellas
you would find from 6RB.With intelligence surpassing his fellow
monkey classmates...EXCLUDING angkong,female angkong,
and dragon (which would be talk about on monday =p) he is 
a force to be reckoned with...especially when he does one of 
his famous flying kick.He brings the famous term DONT PRAY PRAY
to a new light as this ang kong can not only make u blur with his
INTELLIGENCE but can also TAE KWAN DOH you through the table =p

Erm this would be MRS.COMPLICATED also known as Hiao POH of 6RB!!
Ok la she aint exactly hiao, its just dat GUYs are attracted to her...
GUYS whos name starts with t....infact she has somany guys who likes her
whos names starts with T till the point she goes T.T The answer to the 1million
dollar question on why so many guys like her is not surprising because she is well
the most open girl among the rest,i mean HOW many girls do u know that can
chalk up casual talk with any given person/stranger and talk as if they have known
each other for ages when the truth is they only meet once?? well the answer to that
is rarely .....for me =p..

With the eating capabilities of 1000cows but the eating speed
of a.......erm she is the slowest eater on earth so cannot compare =p
She Is the undeniably Ah Beng Boss in our class going around
PUNCHING guys or worst still...calling her UNDERLINGS to go
punch guys up...dont mess with her cause she's MAMA....MAMA BERT!!
As the saying goes, "Siape yang masuk PFS bukan Caplang punya orang"
and so goes to mama bert, ah beng she may be, blur she may be,
monster eater she may be, but to top it all up, she is also a MASTER MATHEMATICIAN
O.o never expected that have you haha, this mama bert is no birdbrain trust me,
I used to think that until she whooped my hinds nicely in the recent exams
ouch... it goes to show, dont judge a book by its cover =p


-Chuin Hong..
wrong!!!This is erm....another one of 6RB hybrid gender
human species along line with lam who has interest in both
men and girls......i think........OK skrew dat thought!!  
This Uniques fella happens to be MY ASSM in scouts
so dont play play with him ok after he called his GANG
come and wack u up ltr haha. But If you aint gona find
fault with him, then he would undoubtedly be the guy
who is the most resilient among the rest. He doesnt
need to be with a certain group of friends because
EVERYONE and anyone is and wants to be his friends,
1st day in PFS and his already part of the gang man!!
imagine that...HECK even an unknown apek wants to be
his friend...LOL!!! maybe we should start calling you an

LAST but certainly not the least, the cream dela cream of the class
Pratically the class mascot with all his BIRD-ish antiques which never
fails to entertain the class to a certain degree...i just wish he 
simpan his patern abit cos it gets excessive everytime =p

OK thats all i have to say i guess
I hope u guys enjoy reading what me and they post up
and i hope you guys enjoy posting stuff up haha



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