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Friday = Public Holiday = Outing! =]

6rendahb Saturday, August 28, 2010
As u guys can c,
We had another outing today people!
Ok firstly,
We went to Queensbay Mall
And later,
The night market!

I got sth to tell.
I am not really pro in blogging but I will try my very best to make this post as interesting as possible.

Lets get started.
We actually reached there quite late
And Chee Onn was like scolding us for that.
We--------> Joelle, June, Lala, Jun Twei and meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

In the beginning,
We actually took quite a long time to decide which movie to watch
But we made our decision at last.
And we watched PHUA CHU KANG THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!
*no entau ba one! Not even one. oops.*

Since the movie will only start in like 2 hours time,
So smart people like us decided to fill our stomach with food first!
N no surprise
I was very happy when it comes to food.
Had our lunch at Pizza Hut
N somehow I dun really like the service there
Since last time actually.
But it won’t affect much becoz we still had a very good time there
Ordered 6 large pizzas
But so sorry that I cannot list out the toppings.
As usual,
We were very noisy
Talking, fighting, argue-ing and all sort of stuffs we can do.
Ka Loong, Leowanie and Katrina joined us for a while but they went off
To do other things.
Since we were very free after finishing our pizzas,
So Lala and me managed to take some epic pics .
Credits to us!
And u noe wad?
Quah ate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miracle will happen!
Hiao Poh of 6RB

    Both of their expressions r funny

      Wanted to take a pic of Quah but somehow we ter-took HerBert eating

    Trying to finish the pizza i guess

Sorry Adrian =]

     Sms-ing girlfriend!

Somehow failed to take the pic of everyone. lol


Headed to the cinema directly after having our lunch.
But sad to say that June, Joelle, Jun Twei and Yan Wei didn’t join us for the movie.
Hope u guys can join us next time.
Said bye bye to them
And the 9 siao siao ppl just walked to the cinema as fast as possible.
Siao ppl-----------> Jit Shen, Her Bert, Teik Hui, Nian Qi, Adrian, Joshua, Elaine, Angela and meeeeeeeeeeeeee
So we went into the 2nd theatre of the cinema
*Sitted at the third row--------no 7 to 15*
Kinda noisy at first
But we started to focus on the movie after a while.

I would comment that PCK is a very very not bad movie
And I hope that u guys can watch it when u guys are free.
And please support original.

Laughed like nobody business in the theatre but we dun mind
Just laughed as loud as possible at the funny funny scenes.
Since this can be the way for us to release our tension
After the chao exams.
Esp that part.
‘ I am Lim Lao Pek’s brother, Lim Lao Heah!’
*And no offense but we found out that Herbert actually looks like King Kong!!!*
Commented a lot about the movie
Together with Lala
Then we laughed for no reason.
When the movie was still playing.
But we couldn’t care less
Coz it was just so funny.

After the 1hr 39minutes movie,
They went to ttn directly after the movie.
And I remember that they didn’t wait for us!
They just walked off without noticing that we were not following!
Becoz we were waiting for Elaine who was on the phone talking.
So we were complaining about it.
They r so not gentlemen.
Now we noe.
They left without saying good bye.

Left Lala, Low Low, Herbert, Teik Hui, Joshua and meeeeeee
Zi-Ling came to look for us
And we headed to the Tau-Sar-Chui shop to find Joelle and friends.
*sorry bro*

Then Herbert, Joshua and Teik Hui went home after chatting a little bit with hiao poh.
Left us.
In order to make full use of our time,
We went to the Popular book shop to grab some stuffs.
Then to Skin Food to buy concealer.(JUNE)
Then to the Hot and Roll shop for tea break.
Then went to FOS to look for Chong and his friend,
*Sorry but I dunno his name.*
And we decided to go to pasar malam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was like damn excited about it weihh.

So Chong fetched us there
Reached the night market around 8
And we met tauge there!
Tauge---------> Siew Hung
So five of us
(Lala, Low, Siew Hung, Chong and meeeeeeeeee)
Walked around the night market
Talk talk talk
Laugh laugh laugh
And we bought food and drinks and some stuffs
Saw lots of Spongebob stuffs
Tauge was kinda happy about it.

Our legs were like so pain
*Need massage chair*
Becoz we went shopping the whole day!
Until now…..
Pity my legs!!!

So just fyi,
I reached home at 10.30.
Damn tired now.
And it was already 11.30 when I actually got time to settle down
N start typing.
Need to recall back things that happened today.
Took quite a long time to finish this post.
So sorry to keep u all waiting.
I really apologize becoz of that.
Hope u guys will forgive me.

Ok now,
End of this post.

<Chiew Hoong aka Mama Bert.>


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