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6rendahb Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hai~!!! miss me?!?! Its me your fav haio po~!!! =D

official anouncement here~!!!! important!!! FINALS IS OVER!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!
 To those who study like hell your efforts will show in your results~!!
(ppl like me however just slept through the 4 days of exams) XD

To those who got 2 DIGIT results for your CLY physics paper~ congratulation!! cus i only manage to get a SINGLE digit~!!! XD

OkOk enough about exams already~~ its over~~~
Here is some vids for u to watch~

For the russell peters fan here is the bollywood joke vid

World cup joke

Teik hui was talking about this in class

And here is a random vid XD

Btw does =the group of guys wearing gold remind u of anybody in our class?? xD
Btw the group of gigolo is suju XD

Here is song tht some of u might be looking for
Pascale machaalani - Nour El Chams (the arabic song tht was performed on kk day)

Tee hee~!!! <3


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