

Blog Update

6rendahb Friday, October 29, 2010

The maintenance of the blog was completed at 4:35 pm on the 29th of October 2010. All irregularities were dealt with. We apologize for the inconviniences caused by carelessness on behalf of the bloggers. We, the blog administrators, would like to extend a sad farewell to one of our bloggers, known as "The Retarded Monitor", who retired from blogging duties as of the 23rd of October 2010. As a result, there is an opening in the blogger timetable, and those who are interested from the class of 6RB should apply to fill up the place. The opening is for Mondays, while the original bloggers would be rotated in time to come to allow for any problematic time clashes to be resolved.

Once again, thank you for being a part of this blog, a heartwarming gesture of support to this class, and to readers not of this blog, we personally thank you for your unrequisite support all this time.

Thank you.

"To be truthful is to lie in lying"

 Blog Administrator

6rendahb Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hai~!!! miss me?!?! Its me your fav haio po~!!! =D

official anouncement here~!!!! important!!! FINALS IS OVER!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!
 To those who study like hell your efforts will show in your results~!!
(ppl like me however just slept through the 4 days of exams) XD

To those who got 2 DIGIT results for your CLY physics paper~ congratulation!! cus i only manage to get a SINGLE digit~!!! XD

OkOk enough about exams already~~ its over~~~
Here is some vids for u to watch~

For the russell peters fan here is the bollywood joke vid

World cup joke

Teik hui was talking about this in class

And here is a random vid XD

Btw does =the group of guys wearing gold remind u of anybody in our class?? xD
Btw the group of gigolo is suju XD

Here is song tht some of u might be looking for
Pascale machaalani - Nour El Chams (the arabic song tht was performed on kk day)

Tee hee~!!! <3


6rendahb Sunday, October 24, 2010
Well, it has come to my attention that many a users have been using this blog incorrectly, and for such, it has become an issue for many. It should be said then that whatever is done is done and allow bygones to be bygones.

This blog will undergo a massive overhaul after the End Year Exam and as such all displeasanties will be dealt with and removed. There will be no compromises for anyone or anything.

A blog maintenance will be done on The 29th of October 2010 to review the blogs content and to remove and descrepancies or racy content to maintain a pristine and good standing with anyone and anything.

Before I would end this post, I would extend a show of regret and apologies to every person involved in the predicament for a frivolous behaviour in maintaining this blog. This will not be repeated again.

Good Day To You.

Blog Administrator


6rendahb Saturday, October 23, 2010
To who ever this may concern
which may to say
this might concern everybody and at the same time nobody at all
it has come to my understanding that
What i have posted 2 days back about CCS dance pratice
has OFFENDED MASSES of people...
Mainly the CCS dancers

I have OFFENDED this MASSES of people
So i am here today
On this very miserable day
after trying to study for one full day
but being PISSED is not really helping in studying
To APOLOGIZE to this apparent MASSES
for insulting their effort
in the recent dance preformance during koko day
so heres that


You Shouldn't Be Reading This

Wassup And Yo! The Resident GRAPHITE is in da house! (My house, not yours) . 

Just wanted to say Yo! So...


Hah, you thought you could get rid of me that easily right?


Sorry. company policy, I HAVE to write something LOOONGER than this...



Like seriously, the END YEAR exams is near (Like around the corner in two days near)


Heres a Checklist For YOU GUYS AND GALS to face the END YEAR EXAM

1. Pencils! (For those hard-to-erase-when-using-pen graphs)
2. Pens! (For those use-pencils-and-you're-missing-marks questions)
3. Rulers! (The measuring stick kind, not a YDPN or YPDA kind)
4. Erasers! (To erase every evidence of cop- I mean, to erase wrong answers..*nervous laugh*)
5. Correction Tape! (For hard-to-erase Pen Corrections!)
6. Protractor (To protract your results..Geddit? Protract? Protect? Geddit? Sigh........i need a hobby)
7. Compass (Don't Lose your direction on the path to Successs!)
8. Test Pad Paper! (Cause, just bringing a test pad without paper is...well.........stupid)
9. Graph Paper! (BRING IT OR BE SQUARE <boxes with 2cm guides>)
10. A Bag! (You're not gonna be carrying this stuff all over with ya right?)
11. Calculator! (1414, 1313, 1212, 12+1 12+1, Or whatever you call them! <mines named Bob> )
12. Self! (Cause, you will be doing the exam for YOU!)(When i mean grab yourself, i mean show up, not whatever you people are thinking right about now.......:P)
13. Colour Pencils! (Graphs are a small reminder of our childhood days, except, we dont need to color at 100kmph in our childhood days :S)

Well, I guess thats it!
Pray! To ME! Okay, I'm joking, Pray to God (You can pray to me in school)





And remember!


Imma watching you...-.-

JJS a.k.a. Graphite!

A short update

6rendahb Thursday, October 21, 2010
REtarDED MoNitOR is in the HouSe!
Lol, since is so quiet today i decided
to blog abit on yesterday haha!!

My watch showed 8.45 am as i sat in my car driving to lams house
we were suppose to do a study group at herrberts house at 9am today
Upon bombarding him with 4 calls, he finally returned the called
and well as expected of lam...HE JUST WOKE UP =.=....pig la u
Anyways as soon as he entered my car
i get a call from herrbert saying HE ALSO JUST WOKE UP!!!
What the heck both of you do last night la
bang each other all night long is it ish =.=

So we decided to head of to the pan mee stall
for a nice breakfast before we start cramming
We asked herbert if he was interested
herrbert said his dad WILL prepare breakfast for him
hence we go makan dulu den go his house
AS we reach the pan mee stall
i get a call from herrbert saying
Apparently....(he told us later while eating)
That he slept at his sisters room
so the father though he was off in school
thus his father didnt cook for him lol
the question is...

When we were all stuffed fat fat
We went to herrbert house only to find out..his dad was still there
so we kinda have to place to study lol
so we all entered berts room and c whats to kill
while waiting for his dad to go off....(which he never did...)
We ended up playing a WHOLE LOAD OF GAMES
ranging from

starcraft2...where we saw lam getting pawned by medium computer
on an epic scale

Left 4 dead 2....Where i got shock to see that zombies actually manage to incapitate
me in normal mode...

Street Fighter...Where herrbert shows off his skills using cammy and an overly fat
legged chun lee and where both lam (ryu) and me (sakura) got pawned kau kau
by the bot...lam was more pro then me because he actually shot an abugen while the
best i did was a multiple chicken kick the enemy lol.

IF u actually notice
We didnt even study >.<!!!!
We later went off to bukit jambul for lunch
Herrbert belanja because he had coupons lol
we all ate the black pepper chicken mac deluxe
it was okok la but i prefer spicy lol
Herrbert was bragging all the way
how he is still hungry after eating one LARGE set
and goes on saying how SOMEBODY!!! Which we all might know
whos name starts with a J and ends with an E and has 4 letters in between
can eat 3 sets and still not be full and is challenging him to makan with HER
In an all out duel to the death on who can eat the most.....
(somewhere deep inside me...i know herrbert is gona lose..not because he will lose..)

After that
I DECIDED to go and get myself a game
just for fun as it had been a LONG LONG time since i actually did that
i remembered seeing a game on steam just the day before
something bout kitten blade
well in my head

its looks good
it sounds good
then it is good!!!

1 words for all u guys who think like that...WRONG!!!!!!!

It was well nice
untill i actually installed it...
it ended up to be a 2d platform game
you know
the ones like the old mario games
the ones i never actually win because i never liked it
and heres the best part
literally because erm they dont have the keyboard systems file.
hence, imagine playing megaman without a controller...>.<!!
a good waste of  RM10....

(STILL IN BJ) We went to the waffle stall
to get a waffle
mainly because lam and herrbert was still hungry...
While buying a waffle
lam pratically sits on the escalater belt like this

And you know what he says??
"Lam: EH why so much friction wan??It feels like i am moving up"
retard man........

Well after that
we went over to get a smoothie
and then we all went home lol
and to think about it
our main agenda today was
And what did we get
Gaming whole day
Retarded game which doesnt even work in my com
and my friend became a retard

till then

Hello? hELLO? HELLO? !XOBILE!!!!!

6rendahb Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hello? This the prettiest gal in 6RB blogging!! WOHOO!! Dont say lame lar.. I know you are thinking about it.. I know.. You see.. I read you mind.. =) Anyway, let me share some funny videos which is also my source of joke income.. WOHOOO!! *Claps* Give support abit lar.. =.=.. LOL!

This is how the !XOBILE comes about.. LOL!

JJ!! This is for you!! WoHOOOO!!!

This is for you yeong ae!!!

Thats all for todie~~~~~~ =)


A Short Update from me!!!

6rendahb Monday, October 18, 2010
due to bad internet connection im jz gonna update a bit bout wats going on here in singapore....

16th Oct
i departed from penang international airport at 8.45pm.. flight to singapore this time isnt reli that smooth this time.. after bout half n hour the pilot told us that we might have some delays due to bad weather condition outside... plane was a bit shaky that time... but anyway i've reached singapore safely n 10mins earlier than schedule... reached singapore at bout 9.50pm... after collecting my luggage its already 10.50pm.. changi airport is reli big...

my uncle n aunty picked us up from the airport n we had "dinner' together with my cousin bout 12.30 then we went back to my uncle;s new hse at bukit batok...
17th Oct
around 8plus a loud thunder woke me up.. but i was too tired n continue on sleeping till bout 1.. woke up n had my lunch cooked by my aunty.. then my cousin's (going to be husband starting from this wed) family from netherlands.... my uncle had some chit chat with them till bout 6.. then they went down to the park n have a walk at the nearby neighbourhood while my cousin went off coz she got an appointment... went for dinner at bout 8 at a seafood restaurant which i kinda forget the name of the place... had lots of nice food like pumpkin prawns, salted egg sri langka crabs n lots more... after dinner we went back home n my mum n aunt played majong together.. sit n watch them played for a while n then my dad went in the net to check on the 4d no he bought this afternoon.. n guess wat.. he strike bout $100 as the no was in the starters.. althought $100 wasnt a big amount but at least he did stike.. i got ntg to do n got a bit bored so i took out my maths book i brought along n started doing.. did till parabola n i got stuck so i stopped.. gotta sleep soon oso de.. tmr im going to universal studio... have to wake up early.. guess im gonna have lots of fun there with my other cousin( the eldest one)... hehe.. thats all for now... will update more when i have the time.. tata n nights...

Why is it so quite???

6rendahb Saturday, October 16, 2010
hihi.. yup its me again.. sry people.. wasnt that free lately to update the blogs... looks like people is not updating the blog... anyway im here jz to update a bit be4 i fly off to singapore.. haih.. i will miss lots of things when im away ler...

will miss both koko day n speech day... its the 1st time in skul that i didnt attend this 'special' day... man how i hate 'him' la... he's reli getting on my nerves man.. why is he still here la.. jz get lost la... go retire n stop making changes to the skul... lots that he've made changes to the skul.. i didnt reli bother to care be4 this but i reli do now.. why must he only allows one school colours per clubs la... now i wont be able to get this cert de... T.T i dowan the new cert they r giving for those that r suppose to get school colours... all i wan is school colours not anugerah khas tertinggi sukan.. watsoever.. haiz..

wont be able to enjoy my trip to singapore this time la.. must be studying when im there.. stupid finals.. T.T.. but anyway i will be leaving in about 17 hours time.. hope i have a safe journey there.. hahahaha.. will definately miss the 6rbs n all of my friends... wont be updating blog for now till finals is over.. byeeee for now....

a long lecture

6rendahb Tuesday, October 12, 2010
YOYOYO!!! Retarded monitor in the house =p!!!
Okok guys, no more puzzle this week cause
i am kinda exhausted making them as even my hardest one
was crack by he-who-is-known-as-angkong in about 2 days >.<!!!

Today....on this very annoying day
which i must say i am abit pissed
but who cares LOL!!!

today i am gona share
alittle something with you that i kinda learn all year round
YES boys and girls..if u hate a long lecture
please close this page now
as i might or might not bring you
into the land where snores and nightmares comes alive
and where you doze off into a far far away dream land

My topic today is well
the types of leaders present in MY society
Note: this is the way I see the world
hence it might not even be the same as yours nor do u have to even
agree with me on this ok =p
In all my days since i was standard 1
i kinda have meet with various kinds of people
with various kinds of thinking
and my oh my
there are MANY types of people
and among these people
some of them end up leading the rest of them
and well although a selected few are usually chosen
you would notice that
not always are they the same =p

Among this various SPECIES of leaders...there are:


This NOT so rare bread of are the mother of all ************!!!!!
OOps sorry, didnt mean to say that but its just comes to show
the magnitude of their annoyance
These guys although i must admit
Are usually either above the average awesome in their skills
are absolutely fantastic and practically second to none
Being the perfectionist they are
they never really listen to anyone but themselfs
and most of the time
ask everyone to do everything and he himself
will erm well supervise...LOL
He is Nonnegotiable
Everything must be exactly how plan A was planed
no more no less
unless its from ala moa
which rarely happens because PLAN A
is usually planed to PREFECTION already


This type of leaders
are the elite worker of a team
because he does everything himself...
WHY u ask??
it can be either because
he doesnt want his other members to noble
he doesnt trust anyone at normal
But fact is
leaders like this
are usually everywhere at once trying to help and fix
everything and do anything at all
in terms of skill
he is well a whole lot better than everyone else
maybe not as good as the lord dictator lol
He listens to all opinions
but either he does anything or nothing at all
depends on why his doing it alone in the 1st place haha

The name says it all
this leaders....are more like friends to be honest
THEY are their MEMBERS best friends
and anything goes with this leader
the pro of having this leader is
the con of it is
erm....dont hope for any fast decision
because his gona take his time to ask everyone 1st
and then slowly while doing whatever it is
he will change here and there to make everyones life easier
and to facilitate all the complains
which will make the project end as a failure =p



Ok...if i said the dictator leaders are *******!!!
then this type of leader would be like comparing an atomic bom
to a mini TOY hand competition at all..
This guys..are the ULTIMATE Bargers of all
They are everything a dictator is


Unlike the dictators
who at least know what they are doing
the only thing this leader seems to know how to do
is sucking up to the boss
They make no decision without thinking how it affects their POSITION
above the rest
and no decision is made fast to begin with
their demands are impossible and retarded...not to mention stupid
and the know pratically nuts of what they are talking about
They can never say no to their bosses
i bet if the boss ask them to strip naked
jump into a pile of manure
and then do but race inside out and all the way around the puddle of poo
they still do it
as long as its the BOSS that ask
for those of you who have leaders like dis
i got only one thing to say to you
just quit....

Hence i conclude my long lecture today with
whatever leader you are or you have
if u cant stand the heat
dont jump into the wok

Riddle Me This!

6rendahb Monday, October 11, 2010
Well, for the past week , Quah (Our retarded monitor, YEA!) had nothing to do, so he decided to riddle us with two puzzles he created himself (with some inspiration from scouting cryptography) and since then they were solved by our class people! Well, here are the methods in solving these puzzles.


Method In Solving 

1. If a hint is presented, ALWAYS take care when observing its layout (direction, special symbols, etc)
2. Notice the numbers. Square root any of them, and you'll notice that it is an integer. This is taken from the hint where the arrow is pointing at the C which is squared.
3. Now, you will get numbers as follow, - - 18 - - 4.12.6 !!!

4.Now, note the hint again. The arrow is pointing towards the left, from C -> A. We need to convert these numbers into alphabets in order to make sense of it.

With this, since we are going backwards, we shall use the lower number line, going from Z to A,and we get;

But, there isnt any 27th aphabets, which was later rectified by quah as a mistake, and the number should have been

225.676.225.676 - - LALA

PUZZLE 1 Answer : Lala means I love you!!!


Method In Solving
1. Now, this one requires a more keen observation in finding the answer. Firstly, we have to realise what the lines mean. Looking closely, you can see that the | in front of each "symbol" has to be placed into the "symbol" to make a word. For example the 1st word,

We can see two |'s , marked with yellow. When they combine at the end of the symbols, marked at red, they form a word , shown -

Forming the word "An" . Doing this with the whole page and you will get;

An astronomer and a scientist
met in a pub one day. The
astronomer told the scientist
"Imagine a pluto Changed
place with the sun! The scientist
said "Yea, the Problem would be
the same as three days ago"
The astronomer proclaimed.
Yeah, but now Earth would be
three days away from origin!" The
limit will be twenty six only!"
Not if I have <.> ,but I have <.>
Bring it on ios I have <.> lives.
I'd chum you down <.> times!
Oh yea, Mr.<-> Thats Right Mr.
<.>. Id be asking to be <.> you
<.>son of <.> say that again and
i will .<.> you. <.> not with wy
<-> on me, you cant even .<.> me
with a <.> even if you had a.<.> to
.<.>? ME!!

Those <.> and <-> are the numbers with either a dot or a dash in front.

2. Now, we can analyse the hints given.
"Imagine a pluto changed place with the sun!"
Pluto, before being voted off the planet list, was the LAST large body object in orbit around the sun.
The sun, on the other hand, was the FIRST.
This tells you that the Alphabets are reversed (Last -> First)

"Yea, the problem would be the same as three days ago"
This problem (the riddle) was the same as the riddle given 3 days ago, (Riddle 1) in method of solving.

"Yeah, but now Earth would be three days away from origin!"
 The numbers would have to be altered by going back 3 spaces ( minus'ing 3 from the numbers gotten by the previous method) 

"The limit will be twenty six only!"
The limit of the alphabet is 26 and the count would have to restart from there afterward.

Notice that up to the twenty six, the numbers were SPELT but after that, they were WRITTEN AS NUMBERS.

Also, after that, the passage would not make sense, making it non-important.

3. Now, the numbers can be taken and written down in a straight line :-

441.484.9.100 - 441.121 - -

Becoming - 21.12 - -

But we have to minus the numbers by 3 - 18.9 - -
(0 goes around because the limit is 26.)
Now we use our translator to get

Hmm...I'm not that good and I probably made some mistake somewhere, but it was supposed to read
What Is Our School Motto.

PUZZLE 2 Answer: Fortis Atque Fidelis (Strong and Faithful)

Peace Out!

JJS a.k.a Graphite!


1o.1o.1o (:

Yo ppl!

I'm just posting this up cause of the date. (".)

It's certainly a date to remember, 
and certainly a date where memories can be made.

I hope ya'll will have a great time, and if you have an awesome story to go with this date.. 
do update your story XD Don't be selfish. Haha.



yeongwon-hi saranghae 6RB! 

psst : there's another wish you can make at 10.10PM ;p

My Best Day of the month.. (i guess)

6rendahb Saturday, October 9, 2010
i guess today is kinda the best day i had in this month.. lots of things that have happen....
ok... sorry for the late post.. this post is suppose to be thursday post.. but then due to some technical problems i can oni post it tonight...

lets start from the minute school starts....

lets c... urm.. wat actually happen today a... muet that time pn saw didnt do much becoz she gotta help those who r taking their muet test soon... so practically we din do anything much this week for muet.. btw all da best to those taking their speaking test on the 12th.. u've got the whole class full support... after muet was PA.. ruby came in n hand us some papers on breast fedding... n she starts all her stories again as usual.. ntg much during PA.. physics was after PA.. man i struggle like shit everytime its physics lesson... why la i came in so late.. haiz.. my physics is getting worst day by day.. T.T i tried to understand it but i jz dont noe why i jz can seem to understand it.. maybe physics is not my thing after all.. its recess when clock shows 10.50... that means fun jz started.. me n lam was like kinda having fun pulling joelle's n nian qi's hair so that they retie it.. lol.. was kinda hyper today.. maybe a lil too much ler.. sorry guys.. lol...

tuition is the place where i had laugh as though i will nvr laugh again... me, quah, n lam finishes all the questions way faster be4 the teacher could even discuss it with the class.. teacher was like at question 1 n we r already like in question 10 de.. speeeeedddd man.. lol.. when she was in question 2 we already finishes the whole paper de.. then me n lam got ntg better to do n start making fun of quah.. then when we find out that quah is msging lala.. we kinda interupt them by sending lala weird msges.. till lala treaten to 'do' smtg to my car which she wouldnt get the chance to do so.. lol.. after that nian qi took lam's phone becoz he irritates her.. then lam walk over to nian qi n took her phone be4 she even realise it.. then he went through nian qi's inbox n finds out a long list of **** ***'s msges.. so i saja kacau him but i dunno why he go msg nian qi n ask what did she tell me.. lol.. me n lam seriously laugh until the teacher even ask what happen.. i even showed teacher the video of quah n lam having a marker pen fight.. hahahahaha

after tuition i went to kfc i bought some chickens then went over to my uncle's hse in butterworth to give my aunty a surprise birthday.. had big crabs n wine for supper.. hehe.. im still enjoying my wine now.. hehe.. dont be jealous yea guys.. hehe.. guess i will stop here for now..

A Challenge

6rendahb Thursday, October 7, 2010
Yea YOU!!! i am talking to u YEA U!!
today i was asked to draw an angel for a fella
so as i did dat, i had some time to think of codes
from my scouting days
hence i made up this super code which
is fairyly simple to be honest so try ur best to answer it lol
if u manage to decode it
i belanja u makan if u manage to solve the code
only apply to the 1st fella ok =p

Good luck amigoes

I Miel Coleghi ....

6rendahb Monday, October 4, 2010
As the romans would say in mother tongue
I miel Colleghi Comprani Declasse Lo prostano il vastro orrehchio
My fellow classmates lend me your ears lol
Well nothing much to blog about this days
so i kinda apologize for this really really short update

1ST of all
from PFS and everyone else taking PMR
well from experience
PMR is one of THE most EASIEST exam to score
so dont screw it up ok
Just study what u need ti study
and then lock and load all the way
If u did ur prep then its gona be smooth sailing all the way teehee

2nd of all
Sorry bout no comic update today
yea i know there is suppose to be one today
but well i am kinda sick
and buzy studying everytime i go to work
so i dont have much time left to draw
so sorry la ok TT

Last but not least
good night =p


hey hey hey it's the plane!no!it's the flying dutchman! no! it's The Bird!

haha sorry for the late update,had quite some stuffs to do.lololol

well what happened on sunday? haha Tuition of course.


well yeah we had a epic moment,Joshua,props for you.
you see,Adrian,who is somehow,bored or crazy,was driving pass by us(nian qi,joshua,me)
and repetitively parking...over and over again.

Then, we decided to go in to the building,joshua took the lead.
there's this wira,which we thought was adrian's car.
so,this JJ,went In front of the car,and did what I would like to call,Paparazzi shielding run often used by celebrities,not realizing that it was NOT,adrian's car,man,I bet that guy was thinking JJ was a runaway from Hospital Bahagia or something,LOL.

Yeap,that's what he was doin

yeah yeahhhhh jj xD
The Moral Of The Story is. Things Aren't Always Seem To Be As It Seems.Look Properly,LOL

well alright sunday was boring,I gotta admit,one helluva boring sunday,T__T

that's all people,tune in to more of me this sunday,cheoaawwwzzzzzz


Something to share with everyone....

6rendahb Saturday, October 2, 2010
here's a video i promise u all...

video of quah n lam marker pen fight... lol..
p.s. hope u all dont mind bout the low quality video... ^^

I wanna eat chuuuuu *looks at camera*
Hai~! My name is Wong Wong~ !! I am Hiao Po’s dog~ some of u have seen me b4~~

This is just a brief post about me~~  well I was 1st brought back to my home from the streets on the 14th of march~~ well according to my miss (hiao po’s) blog post….

So I should be erm 7 months old by now in human age~ so I should be around 7 years old in dog age~!!! According to this web  …. When I 1st came meet my miss I looked like this!

i was shoooo cute.
Fat right~!! Well its baby fat mind u~  and at the time i was around the size of my miss’s 2 palms~

ai luved to slweeep :D
This was when I was like a month old~~
N now I look like this!!
i luv to hunt in my backyard

 Yeah I know I am skinny~  you can actually see my ribs lolx! >.<! but I just cant get fat no matter how much I eat!!!!

Anyways that’s all for now~ as I said this is just a short post  =P 

Some more pictures of meee~~
the smeell of grass is nice :D

i luv my buckit. ^_^

~Wong Wong~