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A Highlander Is Me!

6rendahb Sunday, November 7, 2010
Yo Mah Peeps! JJ DA Graphite here! Yea, its been a while havent it? *groans in background*  

So, I had a trip (not a fall but a planned outing :P) to Cameron Highlands.

So, ask me, what did I do? seriously, I cant continue without anyone asking me that question...anyone? somebody? ........anybody?...........................

Where I stayed!

CoolPoint Hotel. Nearest car in pic; my(i mean my parents) Myvi ^_^

Another shot of the hotel

The 1st day wasnt much, went for a walk, but nothing much happened, on the plus side, if the zombie movies ever become fruitful, I know where to do sequels!

Zombehs outta a small hut! Chair for lazy zombehs

Zombehs outta a corridor!

Zombehs Around the Corneh!

Zombehs from an abandoned (actually under construction) structure!

Walkway to the old (actually soon to be) structure!

Nothing much happened, cept I came to realise how cold temperatures can be on higher grounds...XP

So! Day two!

I went hiking.

No really.

JJS went hiking.


There, a path. Still Dont believe me?

A bridge. Still suspicious?

Zombeh trail. C'mon, only idiots like me would take shots like this...

There, the check point. How can you not believe me now?!
Thats it, I had it. I CAN HIKE. Imma send my team after you,.

And suddenly. SPIDEHS!

Actually, this path was shortlived, because the trail was closed for bridge repairs...xD

So, we went to another path taking us to Robinson Falls!

When I said this place is zombeh worthy, I aint kidding. Beside the trail to the Falls.

Its Amazing enough seeing it in real life without falling into it. (Drop from the trail is about 5-8 metres?)

Another View of Robinson Falls
After that was a hike to the back of the tallest point in Tanah Rata, the back of a hospital.

Its even bigger than Lam Wah Ee or Gleaneagles. Amazing structure

Best shot of the mist. The rest overly grainy due to my noobness in camera handling.
That was the end of my day..

Next Day! (Dont worry, this is getting to an end already :D)

I went to Berinchang town in the morning with my mom and bro.

So, I wanted to drive down (who wouldnt?), but my parents said not to in case of the jam, and true enough, coming back time there was a huge jam.. xD

Well, the main attraction there was the big Flower shop (Forgot the name already xD)
Im not a flower person, but looking at the amazing ones they grow here, one can just stare in awe..
A whole lotta flowers

Cacti aplenty

The Bunga Rayas here are humongous! And really nice colors too!
 Later that day, we went to the tea plantation...

We were supposed to go down to Boh tea, but the jam previously mentioned dragged on (this was already at 3pm) so we turned the other way and went to Bharat Tea Plantation!

Truly magnificient

Becoming a tea harvester might not be such a bad idea after all xD

This is only 1 hill

The "road" leading down is all gravel and rocks, this place recently only opened to public

They even have a STREAM! (A drain stream combo to be exact)

Upstream above the "waterfall"

And you thought there wouldnt be a pic of me. :P
After having a refreshing cup of tea , it was time to head back to the hotel. That was the end of the 3rd day!

The 4th Day! (This is my last. I promise :D)

So, went I took the taxi to Berinchang the day before, I saw a pamphlet for a "Sunrise Trip" to Berinchang peak, so, as the lunatic I am, I decided to go to the peak of Tanah Rata (Not as high as the Berinchang peak, but it would do, I thought) to grab my sunrise shot!

So I awoke at 6.20 am to go.

And so I walked. and walked. And walked. Then I turned around and walked back.
Apparently, the road I intended to take was the wrong one and would have led me all the way to Berinchang (some 5 km away ) XD

After getting the right road, I walked and just admired the surroundings.
Truly amazing at this time in the morning
The weather was cold, I can tell ya, but the thought of a beautiful sunrise warmed me up!

So I reached the peak (I actually did!) And took some shot before the sun came up where I could take it.

The town of Tanah Rata. The black roof buildings in front are the hospital and its hostels

Another shot of Tanah Rata
Then, I came to a horrible truth. The sun rises BEHIND ME and not infront of me like i thought.

So, no sunrise shot :(

The best I could get after all that. :(
So, I walked back, although not really dissapointed as I could get some exercise outta it XD
Suddenly. Sparrows! not Jack sparrows tho.
Later that day, at about 9, we departed from the hotel, stopped at a few places down Cameron, then reached Penang at 1pm. Overall, it was awesome! And we should get a class outing here sometime! Coz, its cheap! YEA!

So, (finally), JJS Signing off!

JJS a.k.a Graphite!


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