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6rendahb Tuesday, November 2, 2010
YO dudes and doodads What's with the dying blog aye??? 6RB blog must live FOREVER!
So get started on updating again people!
Now that exams are over and,marks are being handed back and yeaaaaaaaa everyone will be like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHA!!! T__T << okay maybe just me,because I suck,sobx

so well,Here are the HAPPENINGZZZZZZZZ

The Adventures of the Sesat Quah,Mr Lame,Mr Lau,God Almighty,Mr Tanz,Mr Joshand yours truly,Ah Bert.

Well alright,Today,Was supposed to be a school day,we all know that.But we decided to go for!!!!

Yeah That's the way man,do the Kung Fu! XD
yeahah Badminton!!! it all started at around 6.30..I woke up,bathe,and went down from my house to the front gate.
and there surprisingly I saw Mr Lau! fuah! I thought we were going to fetch him from his house,hmm nvm.

so we waited,for our Mr Quah ...............
eh mana dia ya?
-calls- eh mana lu
-nearby nearby nearby-
oh okay
-sorry yea stuck behind bus-
and so he arrived,and transported us to go fetch Mr Lame xD
so we fetched him and went straightt toooooooo!!!!!
Mr God Almighty's House Fuaaahhhhhhh!!! the aura outside his house can kill man!! xD

then it's time for the stuff...Badminton.
We were joined by Miss Hiao and The BF Mr Alvin for awhile,sitting by the side...having fun of their own.hmm

after 2 hours of playing,we decided to move on to BURGER KING! my first time being there in the penang franchise xDDDD

Look at the SIZE of that THING!

so then I treated the guys in a way,all of them had Whoppers.While I had the French Chicken
I gotta admit,the burger's awesome,but a lil bit more expensive than the ones we usually eat xDD

after the meal,here comes the Call....
I wonder WHO can it be??? oh it's Aileen 
Bert: hello?
Aileen:Bert,I want burger.
Aileen:I want burgeeeeerrrrrrr
Bert:where are you now??
Aileen:I am in schoollll buy burger for meee
MamaBert: EH CHAO BERT!!! Buy burger for everyone!
Bert: *oohhh Crapp* whaaaaaa???
MamaBert:Buy for me hui poh lala elaine yeong ae aileen they all all together 6! I don't careeee yeaaa later deliver it back to school.

that was a....Moneygonnaflyoutofwallet moment for all of us.
so 4 of us,mr lau,mr quah,mr josh,and mr bert,shared money,and bought them,a chicken fiesta set.which consists of 3 chicken burgers 3 fries one chicken....I dunnowhat,nuggets? and a bottle of F&N strawberry.

The Burger King adventure was over.then we journeyed to CC!!!!!! lol
so we were happily playing Left4Dead 2...then Warcraft....then all of a sudden POOF!
Hi Joshua!! XDDDD
Blackout!! GOSH!! not only there! we went to McD! and guess what
Hi Again Joshua =D
my my my I wonder what caused the blackout,our school?McD? who cares.
after awhile we got chased out of McD.
Ended up in the school Carpark.
Rendezvous with Joelle and Alvin,and soon mama bert...and all of a sudden! we hear,a CRASH!
-turns around- HOLYAOSD<AOEASLC<OXCOAPAS<CXLC<OE the girl Butt to Butt or in Hokkien,Ka Ch'ng to Ka Ch'ng 屁股屁股, testa a testa in Italian, pantat ke pantat in malay,somehow? o.o.Crashed Quah's Car!

his expression was like.

ahh badabum bim bam...somehow the accident happened because of she wasn't paying attention? hmmm
nvm quah said it's okay.
the Dent somehow Magically Disappears according to Quah when he called? O.O.
Karma Baby,Karma LOL

Alright that is all for now people,hope you guys update the blog again.Take Care,and Till Then!
Naan Unnai Khadalikkeren XDDDD 


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