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Sample Post 1

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. [...]

Sample Post 2

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. [...]

Sample Post 3

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. [...]

Sample Post 4

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. [...]

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6rendahb Sunday, September 4, 2011



6rendahb Sunday, August 7, 2011
oh.. its the class blog blogging time!
Well, I want to say something here..
Listen, alright? xD

I am that kind of person who always wants to say thank you whenever I get a chance, so yeah..

Its already like one year plus since I've known all of you.
There were millions of favours, and it is completed thanks to you all whom helped in the process..

I want to say,
I treat all of you as part of my family,
cause I see all of you nearly 6 days a week (at times)
and I spend time with all of you at average like 7 hours per day..
or more when we have tuition together, especially woo's..

the times when we have feast together, regardless in or out the class,
the times when we pass our time at the mall, regardless of skipping tuition by doing so,
the times when we play like small kids in kindy in class,
the times when we insult each other and then have the cold war thing,
the times when we laugh like nobody's business,
the times when we sit together and gossip..

and more, that I couldn't list it all,
but I know you know we've done a lot of things together..

shall we stay as a big family,
for the many years to come?

shall we always keep in touch,
even though we will be parted in the future?

shall we always always stay the same,
when we meet up we can always bring back those awesome memories?

shall we always smile and laugh,
like we always do?

A true friend cares like a mom, scolds like a dad, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and loves more than a lover.

The world has joy in it. 
When you find a place that allows you to experience that joy, 
when you find people that make you feel safe and loved like you belong, 
you don’t walk away from it; 
you fight for it.

Its been a blessing to get to know all of you.
thanks so much for bringing so much memories to me,
because without them,
I don't know high school was that fun..

I'd always remember..
will you?

Its Been a Far too Long..

6rendahb Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wow.... i never knew i was ever gonna come and see this blog again
But i guess im here now feeling nostalgic with no doubt =)

Things without doubt has went up and down for many of us
and even the strongest of all has no exception...
fall and rise is just a cycle of life and so we move on..

Truly i know
I have never been much of a friend to you guys
and yes i KNOW i am rather insensitive at many occasions
But to be really honest, i don't even know im doing it at most times
and well at the heat of the moment...many bad decisions can be made
all which i wish could be taken back
or at the bare minimal slightly shrug off
but that truly is idealistic and nothing more
But we have pulled through haven't we =)

This is probably my 1st post in a bloody long time,
and well my last one for the rest of the year
So i hope it doesnt end up being a super long post =p

Today would mark...
A full year (probably plus minus afew days) since this blog officially started
and really...i have nothing to say
Ill just ramble on things =)

In this one year...i have meet MANY people....
some more extrodinary than others...
some more outstanding than others...
and for those who are plain...
they never fail to be sweet =)

In this one year...
I have meet Friends whom..
Smile and laugh and go wheeee just so that everyone is happy
even though deep down inside she is in sooo much pain
But never gives in to it so that everyone else can have a little more smile
in their day knowing less of the reality in her life

In this one year...
I have meet Friends whom...
Will always be there for there for me even when the times are rought
even thought his OWN methods are rough to begin with neither does he know
what his suppose to do....
thus i guess he resorts to menial and annoying methods
but truly its effort alone
a both comedic and soothing at the same time
another person who never fails to indent a smile on any emo persons face =)

In this one year...
I have meet a Friend whom...
Has been with me even though for just a brief moments
to the thickest of thorns and sweetest of confectionery  
though we may have our differences somewhere along the path
it was never a hurdle too wide that it will seperate us
for too long of a time =)

In this one year...
I have meet a Friends Whom..
Never seem to be satisfy by the amount they eat =)
but heyyyyyyy thats not a problem =p
after all, with a huge appetide also comes a huge heart
with a smile and a laugh so wide and loud,
it never fails to shake you out of depression =)
and not to mention loads of food and snacks in classes
to keep us all awake from sleepy tuition classes wheee

In this one year
I have RE-meet friends whom..
i have thought i have lost to time a long time ago
friends whom may not be of the best of additude but
whom without fail... probably are THE best of company to have
true you guys may have been rather indecisive at many times
and YES it has driven me up the wall MANY MANY MANY times
but HEY!!!
to be honest...
if you guys didnt go and become so indecisive...
our class outings would end too fast =)

In this one year
I have meet Friends whom..
Argue with me constantly over god knows what..
it doesnt have to be be educational but even in daily life >.<!!!
but again HEY!!!!
life would have been too dull if u didnt spice it up by arguing with me
all the time hahaha
and i know...
i'm probably a lousy debater as i always think im right
and even half way through and i KNOW im wrong...
Ill still insist im right >.<!!!
for that...SORRY!!!!

In this one year.
I have meet friends whom are..
Quiet as rock in the vast emptiness of the dessert
whom some turn to be my greatest hurdles in academic fields
who never fail to answer all by dim witted questions =)
and some who which turn out into someone rather talkative and awesome
who would have known.....
a quiet boy would turn out to be mr romantic right haha

I have to be honest with you guys thought...
i have never been much of a friend to begin with wasnt i =)
i go to extent of saying...
i left all of it behind...
to go after what i though was...
a cause that was greater then the world it self..
but hey...
sometimes things dont turn out the way you want them to be
and i guess it goes to say
serves me right =D

wanna hear a story =)
a story of a greedy boy...
a boy who work his life off collecting coins as a hobby
i guess this boy was obsess with money to begin with haha
The one day while walking down a lane
he meets a vendor who was selling a RARE coin
and well ...
being an avid collector himself he WANTED the coin
and well ended up trading all of his collections for that one coin
its was a brief moment of joy as he took the coin he had bought
he did ache to see the rest of his collections gone but HEY
this was a once in a lifetime chance after all =)
not two steps past the vendor...
another boy bumps into him and he drops the coin into the drain...
owh sad...owh pity...
cry as he might it was too late i guess..
the drain would have wash it down the sea already
and for all he had paid to get the coin
there were there
in the hands of the apek
smiling and laughing at the boy
with slight sympathy but more humor than pity
poor boy...
stupid boy.....
padan muka.....

dats up to your interpretion
anyways im off now =)
i hope you enjoy the post
and for all you PFS upper 6 students especially YOU!!!

Your truly
the annoying monitor of 6rb and now 6AB

Good Luck 6RB-ians 2010!

6rendahb Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hello readers!
I guess u guys know what am I going to say next after looking at the title right?
Good luck to everyone in our first trials!
It's time to wake up...!
*ring ring ring!*
And work hard!
Trials is just around the corner!
Lets try our best...!
And get the best results!
So it's better to start studying now before it's too late!
But it's best if u had already started earlier...!

Do well in this coming exam so that we won't regret.
Always remember...
We are doing this for our future...!
Not for anyone else...
But for us...
We must not disappoint our parents who have high hopes on us too...!

Dont care about what people think about you.
If they wanna say that you are kiasu then just let them say lah...!
They wanna laugh at you then just let them laugh lah!
Let them laugh at you now because you know that you will be the one laughing at them when you are more successful than them in the future!
But do not be too stressful...
Do not force yourself...
Must control...
I can always accompany you guys to karaoke if you guys wish to release tension you know?
Off to study now!

Jia you!

All of us can do it!
Just believe in yourself!

6rendahb Saturday, June 4, 2011
this video is very touching.... but is in mandarin, but still you all can try to watch