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6rendahb Saturday, June 4, 2011
                     Actually i dont know what to write. But since this blog is dying, let me simply post something bah. erm... give me few second to think what to post. *start thinking........*
                     *After 1 hourrrrrrrrrrrrr.........................* suddenly one idea came out. my brain say, why dont post something about ORIENTATION GAME (OG) 2011. Here is the details about OG
Date: 26.05.2011
Time: 3 to 6pm
Held by: 6 form committees
Purpose: Revenge. No la, is a change to know all lower 6 juniors.
Type: Station game (8 stations) *if i not mistaken*
the first station at tennis court

Second station at pond area

Third station at tech block

Fourth station at band room

Fifth station at canteen

Following station was at  infront bookshop

The next station at hall.
The last station at 6 form block.

all those pictures were boring right, because our gang is not inside. so.........
 <-----guess what chong pointing at.
 <------ is this picture nice? stalker said no. T.T sad nia
 <----- peace. ^^V
 <---- SIOTU.. where is chiew hoong? ops... she going to kill me.
 <---- yerrrr..... so dirty, go bathe la, LAM
 <----- yeah... OH YA!!!
 <----- if you dare, come on... i will catch you... hahaha
 <---- my boss
 <------ hahaha
 <---- nice pose... so yeng...
 <---- so scary, dont kill me..... scaryyyyyy
 <----- shua shua~~~ *using hiao tone*
 <------- leo.... why your face so "black" wan...

That's all... i just realize i din take Chiew Hoong's pictures. Sorry ya, my dear hoong hoong, please forgive me.


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