

helloo helloo helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yoooddellleeehiiihoooooooo!

6rendahb Thursday, December 23, 2010
hello hello people wassup wassup ni hao mah sutearika oh wait nvm ! GENKI DESUKA?! APA KHABAR! sudah mati, aiya.tak pa saya kasi hidup kembali!


so it has been awhile since we all actually posted some fun stuffs,well now I shall try and,you know,bring it back to life (sings evanescence bring me to life) ohkayyy!!

now for the Upcoming event!! it's The B!!! yes the B! not the T! not the P! it's the B!

no B's were hurt in the making of this picture,don't worry,the B's Safe haha!
Alright! it's the B,so well as you know we are soon to be 6AB-ians and not 6RB-ians anymore,sad sad...but well we grow up,what to do? haha! so the B's actually an outing,well,the Last outing you can say,that we're actually Lower Sixes.It's an really Awesome Event!! especially when the organizer is our!!!!!!!!!

yeah you got it people,it's our Ahemahemaaslengasgaasluiasdel of the class lol! it's her first time organizing an outing for us so show some support aite people? =DDD

the B's Plan
meet at pfs 8 am.
then off to the BEACH!! I wish...=PPPP
we shall have fun,play with the send,find lalas,seashells,maybe some unwanted stuff,or some beach boys,who knows,lolz

then we go for Lunch! at bout 12 I guess? it depends.
then it's off for a movie! Gulliver's Travels
should be interesting,well it's Jack Black! xD!
to top it all off the last event shall be Bowling.

Hell yeah that's the correct way to play it girl,you're pro. LOL
so the event should be around 6 or 7,to avoid the jam,we finish it later,or earlier,who knows?

all I can say is it's gonna be Awesome with a capital A!

so hope to see you guys there! let it be a memorable outing where we will always remember inside our hearts forever.=)

After A Looonnnggg Time!!!

6rendahb Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hi guys, girls, the halves, the skeletons, the birds, n the rest....

looks like our blog is going dead eh... how can this even happen.. where is all those updates after all our outings.. lol.. anyway im bored at home n ntg to do so i've decided to jz update the blog...

Lots i mean reli LOTS of stuff that happen this holidays after our finals.... first thing first.. lets us wish our retarded monitor congratulations... He's finally in a relationship... FINALLY!! now that he got himself a 'partner', hopefully he wont go emo one corner suddenly for no reason.. hahaha..

N oh yea not forgetting that our member of 6rb is no longer the 6rbs +2, its now the 6rb +2,+1, we've successfully recruited a new member, Aileen a.k.a 'de alien' (hopefully u wont get angry with me).. hahahaha

oh great... didnt blog for so long n i dont even noe wat to blog now... guess i will stop for now.. i will blog further when i find myself a topic to blog on.. anyways to our brother from another family... we, the whole family of 6rbs including the 3, wishes u n our future sister-in-law(hopefully or thats wat everyone wishes for ^^) to be happy always... bye peeps!!!


6rendahb Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Okay, just got home from the ITEE seminar @Sunny Point, 24/11/10

update cause I wanna delete pics from my camera :P lol



Our memories~

6rendahb Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hello there….!
Just wanna say sorry that
It has been ages since I posted my last post…
So I will try my very very very best to make this post a long one…

Lets get started…!

Time flies…
Our lower six just ended like that…
Let us just recall back a little about what we did together for the past 6 months

10th of May 2010...
First time for me to enter Penang Free School…
Maybe not just only me….
But most of the lower sixth formers from other schools…
First day of orientation week
As I remember…
At that time…
The only thing that I wanna do on that day
Is to take the form hoping that I can leave the school as soon as possible
Wad form?
The pertukaran sekolah form…
But unfortunately,
I still have to stay until 2.40pm together with my CGL friends…
Actually we were like starting to curse about the long long long school hours since that time…
But what to do?
So this is the date….
The first time for all of us to gather around in the school hall…
The very beginning of our story…

14th of May 2010...
Remember this date???
Pergabungan 6RB…
Entering our classroom for the very first time…
Get to know all the classmates…
And the FUNNIEST thing that I can remember the most is…..
Ahem ahem…
The first question I asked nian qi…
‘Do u think that this school’s guys are weird??’
And now I feel that I was actually the weird one to ask a person that I dunno that kind of question…
No wonder she was like starring at me one kind at that time….
Now I noe…
She must be thinking…
Why is this weird person asking me this kind of weird question…???
But was kinda shocked to know that 6RB was only having 7 girls at that moment…
But now….
4 ONLY!!!

15th of May 2010
The Gotong-royong Day!!!
It was a Saturday
But our classmates still turned up to clean out new class…
Kinda touched….
And seriously me and Leo were
Ahem ahem….
*Dun feel like telling it BUT…*
Impressed of wad u guys did on that day…
But now…
When we think back…

17th of May 2010
Teacher’s Day!!!
The day that we had the most serious culture shock!
PFS Teacher’s Day was so different!!!
We kena halau-ed from the class by the aunty…
All of us were like still blur blur
Especially we girls…
The guys looked like they were very used to it d…
So nevermind…
We decided to go to the pond area…
Sit down there and chit chat
When we passed by the field,
We actually saw kids playing football
While the teachers were watching performances in the hall…!!!
And all we can see were students loitering around the school?
We were very very very shocked…
This school is so different!
I thought everyone should celebrate Teacher’s Day together!!!

27th of May 2010
Guess what??!!!
It’s orientation games!!!
Time to play!!!
All of us were separated into groups…
As for me, Joelle, June and Leo…
We were in Herrbert’s group…
Oh ya!
And Ka Loong too!!!
That boy!
Bullied us like what only!
Especially Joelle!
She even said that she wanted to seek revenge next year!!!
So be careful Ka Loong!!!
Don’t say that I didn’t warn you ya…
Sorry can’t SAVE you d!
But it was fun…
Playing with water, water colour, flour, glitters…
Lets do that again next year!!!
And I also remember…
This was also the day I got the letter from JPN…
Saying that…
‘Pertukaran sekolah tidak diluluskan…’
Have to admit…
I was down…
But I actually decided to appeal…
Wanna try for another time!

31st of May 2010
It’s a very important date to me…
Maybe only to me…
The day I decided to stay in Penang Free School…
The day I decided to have my Form 6 life here…
So I didn’t appeal to transfer…

2nd of July 2010
First time for all of us…
Boys and girls to practice the dance for ‘THE KING AND I’ together…
*Do correct me if I am wrong*
All of us have to accept the fact
We are going to dance!!!
Thai dance!!!

5th to 20th of June 2010
First school hols in Form 6!
But but but….
Had to go to school almost everyday
For the dance practice…
But when I think back…
Yes it’s kinda worth it

15th of June 2010
A day to remember
6RB’s first outing!!!
To where?
To where??
To where???!!!
Town Steamboat!!!
*syok sendiri-ing*
This was our very first outing…
Had lots of fun there…
Quite a number of people turned up…
Thanks for organizing…
Cant remember who was the organizer d…

25th of June 2010
Second outing!
My house!
It was actually a very last minute outing
But we managed to get it done
It was my first time to have barbeque there
Thanks to you guys…
And Herrbert…
Suddenly I remember that I still owe you the deposit
Will go to the management office asap…
*Actually I already forget about it…
Thanks to this post…*
We made a lot of noise…
Thanks God nobody complain about us…

4th of July 2010
The day!!!
The play!!!
Feel so touched when we managed to finish the last step…
Our hardwork…
For one month…
Feel so touched…
Thanks to this play…
All of us get to know each other more…
Did a lot of crazy stuffs during the practices…
And thanks to our mama Tonie…
Our choreographer…
Thank you A LOT!!!
We wouldn’t managed to do all that
Without you…
We love you!

18th of July 2010
Attended Mahasangkhikadana Day…
*SORRY if the spelling is wrong…
Remember what happened on that morning?
Oh my gosh…
First time in my life!
And this was the time when Nian Qi got her made-in-china title…
Thanks to the hairband…
And Leo…
Funny incident about her…
I wont tell it here
Since she is my lesbian partner…
You see!
Must appreciate arr!!!
I treat you so good!!!

24th of July 2010
Orientation Ball!!!
This was the second time for me to attend formal event organized by school…
First time was the CGL’s prom night…
Theme of the ball…
Everyone dressed nicely that night…
Everyone looked so different…
Representative from our class
Had a performance
Joshua John, Goh Chuin Hong--- Guitarist
Lam Yan Wei, New Herr Bert--- Singer???
They did a great job…
Feel so proud…
All of us had fun…
Happy to attend this kind of formal event
Waiting for our prom night next year~

23rd of August 2010
Ujian Prestasi 1
First test in Form 6
Was very nervous I remember
Hoping will get good greds

25th of October 2010
Exams again!!!
End year exams!!!
Didn’t prepare well though

Sorry for not updating some of the outings
And birthday celebration…
Was kinda lazy to type d…
Hope I dun miss out any important dates?

Just wanna say that…
Thanks to all the events that we had…
All of us became close to each other now…
Not only among 6RB classmates,
But also with the other classes…
Especially 6RA and 6R4…

And I mentioned about me wanting to transfer to the other school last time right?
Now I finally can say that…
I dun regret staying at PENANG FREE SCHOOL
I made the right choice to stay..
Thanks to all of you…
Thank you for giving me all the very very very nice memories
I hope that all of us can be like this until school ends…

Our class is transforming FROM
6 rendah b to 6 atas b very soon…
I will miss 6RB…
I seriously do…

Although all of us always scold or maybe perli each other every single day
But all of us know that
We dun have any niat jahat
All of us were just playing around…
Maybe it’s kinda childish
But it’s ok…
We are only 18 right???
Still young!!!
But I wanna say sorry if I offended anyone
For the past six months…

Guys and girls!
We must always remember why are we here toghther
We are here for the very important exam
We can do it!
So dun procrastinate!
Start ur revision now!
Lets work together for a brighter future!
We can do it!

So I hope that this post dun disappoint all of you…
I think that’s all for today…
Bye bye…

I think u guys already know who I am right???

A Highlander Is Me!

6rendahb Sunday, November 7, 2010
Yo Mah Peeps! JJ DA Graphite here! Yea, its been a while havent it? *groans in background*  

So, I had a trip (not a fall but a planned outing :P) to Cameron Highlands.

So, ask me, what did I do? seriously, I cant continue without anyone asking me that question...anyone? somebody? ........anybody?...........................

Where I stayed!

CoolPoint Hotel. Nearest car in pic; my(i mean my parents) Myvi ^_^

Another shot of the hotel

The 1st day wasnt much, went for a walk, but nothing much happened, on the plus side, if the zombie movies ever become fruitful, I know where to do sequels!

Zombehs outta a small hut! Chair for lazy zombehs

Zombehs outta a corridor!

Zombehs Around the Corneh!

Zombehs from an abandoned (actually under construction) structure!

Walkway to the old (actually soon to be) structure!

Nothing much happened, cept I came to realise how cold temperatures can be on higher grounds...XP

So! Day two!

I went hiking.

No really.

JJS went hiking.


There, a path. Still Dont believe me?

A bridge. Still suspicious?

Zombeh trail. C'mon, only idiots like me would take shots like this...

There, the check point. How can you not believe me now?!
Thats it, I had it. I CAN HIKE. Imma send my team after you,.

And suddenly. SPIDEHS!

Actually, this path was shortlived, because the trail was closed for bridge repairs...xD

So, we went to another path taking us to Robinson Falls!

When I said this place is zombeh worthy, I aint kidding. Beside the trail to the Falls.

Its Amazing enough seeing it in real life without falling into it. (Drop from the trail is about 5-8 metres?)

Another View of Robinson Falls
After that was a hike to the back of the tallest point in Tanah Rata, the back of a hospital.

Its even bigger than Lam Wah Ee or Gleaneagles. Amazing structure

Best shot of the mist. The rest overly grainy due to my noobness in camera handling.
That was the end of my day..

Next Day! (Dont worry, this is getting to an end already :D)

I went to Berinchang town in the morning with my mom and bro.

So, I wanted to drive down (who wouldnt?), but my parents said not to in case of the jam, and true enough, coming back time there was a huge jam.. xD

Well, the main attraction there was the big Flower shop (Forgot the name already xD)
Im not a flower person, but looking at the amazing ones they grow here, one can just stare in awe..
A whole lotta flowers

Cacti aplenty

The Bunga Rayas here are humongous! And really nice colors too!
 Later that day, we went to the tea plantation...

We were supposed to go down to Boh tea, but the jam previously mentioned dragged on (this was already at 3pm) so we turned the other way and went to Bharat Tea Plantation!

Truly magnificient

Becoming a tea harvester might not be such a bad idea after all xD

This is only 1 hill

The "road" leading down is all gravel and rocks, this place recently only opened to public

They even have a STREAM! (A drain stream combo to be exact)

Upstream above the "waterfall"

And you thought there wouldnt be a pic of me. :P
After having a refreshing cup of tea , it was time to head back to the hotel. That was the end of the 3rd day!

The 4th Day! (This is my last. I promise :D)

So, went I took the taxi to Berinchang the day before, I saw a pamphlet for a "Sunrise Trip" to Berinchang peak, so, as the lunatic I am, I decided to go to the peak of Tanah Rata (Not as high as the Berinchang peak, but it would do, I thought) to grab my sunrise shot!

So I awoke at 6.20 am to go.

And so I walked. and walked. And walked. Then I turned around and walked back.
Apparently, the road I intended to take was the wrong one and would have led me all the way to Berinchang (some 5 km away ) XD

After getting the right road, I walked and just admired the surroundings.
Truly amazing at this time in the morning
The weather was cold, I can tell ya, but the thought of a beautiful sunrise warmed me up!

So I reached the peak (I actually did!) And took some shot before the sun came up where I could take it.

The town of Tanah Rata. The black roof buildings in front are the hospital and its hostels

Another shot of Tanah Rata
Then, I came to a horrible truth. The sun rises BEHIND ME and not infront of me like i thought.

So, no sunrise shot :(

The best I could get after all that. :(
So, I walked back, although not really dissapointed as I could get some exercise outta it XD
Suddenly. Sparrows! not Jack sparrows tho.
Later that day, at about 9, we departed from the hotel, stopped at a few places down Cameron, then reached Penang at 1pm. Overall, it was awesome! And we should get a class outing here sometime! Coz, its cheap! YEA!

So, (finally), JJS Signing off!

JJS a.k.a Graphite!
Hi ppl~! Its me again~!! HIAO POH~!
Anyways This blog is dying so i am just gonna update about random stuff tht happen within this week~
Just a sumery so feel free to post other post tht is more detailed thn mine~
And this is just from my part of view about this week~~
i might be wrong~

Anyways lets start with monday~!
hrm~ wait memory lost er... wht happen on monday~~~
*blank* ok nvm skip
er... tht was already posted out by bert...  so next~!! (ok this post is really mo liu di)

NOW~! Wednesday!!!!!!!
erms... wht happen on wed?! OH yeah!! There was a outing but unfortunately a few of us dint manage to make it... and i was 1 of those tht dint manage to make it even tho i was the organizer so sorry~!!!
So i cant blog about it~ somebody tht went out on tht day pls blog about it TQ~

next would be THURSDAY~!!!!!!
I am suppose to be blogging on thursday but i lack blog materials so sorry >.<!! the only thing i have to show is....
My usual stact of sweets for tuition~!! It just so happen everything was in a pair so i took a pic~
2 Hi sour was provided by female angkong~!! (yes she actually came to Mr.Sims tuition!!!!! OMG!!!!)
2 mentos was from chiew hoong AKA mama bert (oh yeah and the 2 Rm1 notes lolx!)
2 Sugus from june foong
2 botle of drinks were from me (oh and the tic tac~!)

We actually had alot of pics of tht day due to the kiam pak-ness of 2 guys by the name of Adrian Lau and Herr Bert!!!
They as usual was being their kiam pak self~ if your wondering where mr. UBBS AKA BC was not mentioned that would be because he was not in penang~~~

Next would be friday~!
It was suppose to be a rather boring day but somehow there were 2 outings
1 consisting of quah, lam, angela, e-laine and e-laine's younger sis~
That gang went out and had fun without inviding the rest of us~
And yeah it does seem to look like a double date doesnt it?? =D

The 2nd group was me. mama bert and june
But!!! we dint go out to have fun~ we went out to crack out heads for a CCS project

That would be all for friday~~~

Now on to SATURDAY~! <3
The starting of the day was well to me it was eventful through out the whole day
as my sis came home and brough along hiao niece and bla bla bla
went to eat lunch blablabla
found out where to buy CHEAP dog food =D 20kg for Rm90~!!
anyways the main event came at night~!!!! tht is!!
HOOTX~!! It was fun~!
but not all of us were there~
It started at around 6pm with me, june, nian qi, leo.kat and adrian and the other wushu members playing with 2 games concerning water
And adrian being his usual self was dam kiam pak and the main cause of me and nian qi being all wet.. =.=
1st game was a game like scissors,paper,stone except tht the winner gets the chance to throw a bucket(half filled with water) to the loser~!!
2nd game was like a Q&A game

After that quah joined us after the games and we started to light the fire (which took a looong time)
Thn after tht lam, bert, chiew hoong, angela came~!!!
And continue on with ppl going high~ my car went missing for awhile~
more ppl going high~ lam and bert showed off thier dancing skills (bopeeb and nobody)
ppl singing~ ice thrown around (only me tho ^^ll) er lam trying to show off his bbq-ing skills~
quah trying to give ppl diabetics with his honey covered bbq food~
Thn it all ended at 9:30pm? which some of us went to eat burger and played truth or dare~
while the rest of us went home~

The end~!